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Create any custom form as easy as 1-2-3!
Pick a ready-to-go form template for order forms, event registrations, online bookings, appointments, lead capture, donations, surveys and more. Build your own from scratch exactly the way you want with our intuitive and easy to use form editor.
All web forms created through 123FormBuilder are 100% mobile responsive so you don't have to worry about losing customers on the go!
Adapt to your client's responses
Build a great customer experience for customers by adding conditional logic to your forms. With this feature, you can choose to show or hide fields based on answers given previously to avoid irrelevant questions. With conditional logic, you can set different confirmation messages to be sent, or do specific form actions based on user's responses.
Custom notifications
Fully customize each message the form sends on submission for both you and your clients. Attach form data, a completed form copy and more!
Collect payments like a pro
Integrate your forms with top class payment processors such as PayPal, Stripe, Square, WorldPay and more to collect payments directly from your customers as they order. Receive the money automatically into one of your accounts.
Receive any type of file
Let visitors send files directly through your form and store them inside your account. Filter out unwanted file types, or limit upload sizes to receive only the files you need.
Make it beautiful
Stylize your form's appearance and make it look however you want with access to advanced form styling features. Change the form's structure, labels, colors, fonts and much more right inside the form editor.
Structure it on single or multiple pages
Break down long form into bite-sized pages that keep visitors engaged until the end. Add progress bars to make filling out otherwise tiring forms much more enjoyable.
Secure and steady
Enable security measures such as SSL encryption, IP limitation, country filters and approval requirements to keep out unwanted traffic. Add a variety of CAPTCHA's to ensure a spam-free inbox.
Habla español? Sprechen Sie Deutsch?
Overcome language barriers and reach a wider audience by making your forms multilingual. Translate forms in as many languages as you want and let visitors pick the right one for them.
Send data anywhere by integrating with powerful apps
Using different apps for CRM, email marketing or file management? Have your form send collected data automatically wherever you need it most to create powerful workflows with access to +30 apps. Choose to integrate with Salesforce, Marketo, MailChimp and many more!



