Activity Alerts
$5.99/month. 7-day free trial.

关于Activity Alerts



Start your 7 day free trial of Activity Alerts!Show visitors that your site is popular!
Why not showcase existing customers to your current visitors, don't just let them know that you're getting orders/subscribers or checkouts, show them the proof! With SalesPop - Advanced you can add discreet popups to your website that you have full control over.
Auto fetch content into the app
Want to connect existing data feeds to the application? We have direct integrations with mailing clients and review applications. Enter your info and we'll fetch this data for you and convert it into tiny events.
Customize the notifications
We have a range of different options that you can play around with, you can change the various speeds of the notifications, you can change their location, their colors and even set up your own custom CSS.
Show Varied Events
Loop your notifications between orders, email subscribers and reviews, why not have all three? You can set up your product pages to only show events about the current product that the visitor is viewing. Get fancy!
Need support with our app?
With a full onboarding tour and a support page full of information we’re sure that you won’t need our assistance installing the application. Should you need us though, we’re available 7 days a week to get back to you via email. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
We hope you enjoy our application.




