$15/month. 7-day free trial.




What it does
Admin+ is the first solution that allows you to completely customize Shopify's back-end admin panel. With a few lines of Liquid, you can easily modify the pages on your store's back-end to streamline your workflow. You can create custom pages to help you modify your store's metafields, note attributes and line item properties, and pretty much any other aspect of your store.
You can create custom workspaces, which allow you to restrict, or expand on Shopify's existing functionality as needed, saving you time, and headaches! Want to create a system for making draft orders that only allows certain discounts, or certain products to be added? Absolutely doable!
Shopify POS
We also now offer the ability to modify the Shopify POS! If you want to add custom line item properties to your products, or want to add any sort of extra functionality, you can. Do you want to easily create draft orders from the POS for later editing? Now you can! Do you want to take down extra information like desired shipping dates, or just background customer info? Totally possible! Are each of your items personalised, and you need an easy way of recording that data directly in Shopify, with a customer as they're in your store? No problem!
Easy Setup
Admin+ has a Template Wizard to get you started, but we're happy to assist you should your needs be more complex. What normally you'd have to hire a dedicated app developer to do in a month can be done inside a day with Admin+.
Killer Support
As with all our apps, we offer go-the-extra-mile customer service. As our many 5 star reviews attest to, we will go out of our way to make your experience using the app as painless as possible. Not a technical person? Not a worry! We've got a dedicated team here ready to support you, and turn your needs into solutions.
The first hour of setup is free, with unlimited free support thereafter. So, with our 7 day free trial, what are you waiting for?



