Admin Shortcuts
$1/month. 1-day free trial.

关于Admin Shortcuts



Edit Product Link
If you are seeing a product on Shopify storefront and you feel like you have to make some change? Just click on Edit Product in the Bar and go directly to that product inside Admin.
Edit Page Link
If you have added a static page to your store and you are surfing that page, suddenly you saw a typo in a paragraph and you want to edit it? You don't have to naviage inside admin and then search for that page, Quicly naviagte with Edit Page link on Admin bar.
Edit Collection
When you are on a collection page, you will see Edit Collection link which will lead you inside Admin on that particular collection.
Edit Code
Want to edit a code snippet in theme? Directly navigate to active theme code editor.
Apps and Themes
Testing an app or just curious about which themes you have available in your store? Or maybe you just want to edit your theme code real quick? Admin Bar Shortcuts got you covered!
Yet more to come!




