Answerbase Product Q&A and FAQ
From $19/month. 30-day free trial. Additional charges may apply.

关于Answerbase Product Q&A and FAQ



Answerbase is now available to SMBs on Shopify with its product question and answer app!
"Answerbase has doubled the overall traffic to our ecommerce site, and increased our organic search traffic by four times!"
- Ron, Epestsupply (Read case study at
What is Answerbase?
Up to 75% of product questions answered through Answerbase convert to a sale, reduce bounce rates and shopping cart abandonment, all while improving SEO to increase organic traffic.
Answerbase creates product FAQ content as customers ask product questions. This attracts new organic traffic, leading brand new customers to your store. New customers acquired through Q&A content are up to 2x more valuable than others coming from Google.
How does it work?
Answerbase powers Q&A on product pages:
Customers see the most popular product questions and answers
Customers ask product questions, answered automatically when possible
New product questions are answered by product experts
Product Q&A pairs create new pages which grows your organic traffic and SEO.
What are the main benefits?Conversion rate optimization CRO
Answerbase customers see that up to 75% of questions answered through Answerbase convert into a sale, allowing you to reduce bounce rates, reduce shopping cart abandonment, and increase conversions. Enhance product conversion rate optimization (product CRO), as you fill your product FAQ content and questions are automatically answered to convert future customers as well.
Improve organic traffic and SEO
Get more customers from organic traffic. Answerbase indexes product questions so they attract organic traffic to your store. Shoppers asking similar questions on search engines about products that you sell are led to your store. Improve product SEO organically, get product description SEO insights, solve your duplicate product description SEO issues, and build valuable content with brand new product question and answer landing pages.
Attracts more valuable new customers
New customers acquired through organic traffic to Q&A content landing pages generated through Answerbase have a lifetime value (LTV) up to 2x more valuable than those acquired from other Google searches and up to 6x more valuable than those from Facebook.
Saves time by automatically answering questions
Your customers questions are recognized and common questions are answered automatically, so they can get the answer they need immediately to move forward with their purchase and you don't have to answer the same questions over and over again. This creates a valuable knowledge base, all filled with content relevant to products you sell.
How do I get started?
Simply click the "Get" button and you can start your **30 day free trial** today.



