From $7/month. 3-day free trial.




Boost your sales by redirecting your customers to the best-selling products in their area!
How does our busy bee work for you?
The BuzzFinder detects what is making the Buzz at specific times and places by acquiring and analyzing worldwide web navigation patterns.
Whenever your selected topic, event or phenomenon raises the interest of customers in any location, the BuzzFinder will detect it and associate it with your pages or product collections.
Your Buzz Pages and Buzz Collections will then automatically and seamlessly adapt their content in real-time to show each of your visitors what have the highest chance of engagement and sales conversion.
It is the perfect way to seize Buzz opportunities as they emerge, and to engage your customers with what they are really interested in!
What can you get from Buzz-based optimization?
Use Buzz words to automatically catch seasonal events or hot trending products as they occur throughout the year.
Display variations of the same page or product collection depending on the users location, their interest and/or the Buzz.
Customize your page or product catalog by region.
Take advantage of what influences customers the most to increase conversion.
Easy as one-two-three:
Define your Buzz Word dictionary. A Buzz Word can be a topic, a phenomenon, an event, or anything which may raise the interest of a buyer and that you want to detect and track.
Attach the Buzz Words to turn your pages / collections into virtual Buzz Pages / Collections that will automatically adjust their content to your shop visitors depending on the “Buzz” at their location.
Sit back, relax and let our bee work for you!
The icing on the cake:
Invisible to your users. They get personalized content without noticing that your store adapts to them.
Doesn’t interfere or mess up with your store. The Buzz Pages / Collections are totally virtual and they handle the redirection mechanism towards your actual untouched pages / collections.
Works worldwide with a country breakdown. If you need refined detection, you can even define drilling zones to get down to the city level.
Intuitive and Plug&Play. Fully integrated in your shop admin page. No programming skills required. Simply use the BuzzFinder with its user-friendly buttons.



