Cart Instant Notification
$1.99/month. 3-day free trial.

关于Cart Instant Notification



Reduce cart abandonment
Cart Instant Notification enables stores to add a fun, dynamic notification to indicate customers the current number of items in their cart.
How it works
When a customer adds items to the cart, a nice little notification will appear on the store's favicon (store logo icon). When a shopper moves away from the store tab, the Cart Instant Notification will start to flicker, reminding him to return to the store page and complete his purchase.
Attract customers back
Using Cart Instant Notification helps store owners to attract clients back to the store creating a sense of urgency in customers that taking action is needed. This increases the chance that the customer will complete the transaction, directly improving the store’s sales. The same concept is used by other popular platforms, such as Gmail and Facebook, to notify the user to go back to the relevant tab.
Fully Customizable
Cart Instant Notification is fully customizable so store owners can adjust the notification to fit the store's look and feel! including:
* Shape
* Animation
* Position
* Font Style
* Text Color
* Icon Color
* Blinking Time Interval
* Font Family



