Free to install. Additional charges may apply.




Curate is an online marketplace for shoppers to discover the best fashion, homeware and lifestyle products available in New Zealand, curated by members they follow.
Be part of New Zealand's newest online shopping experience and allow customers to engage with your brand in new and exciting ways. Curate is perfect if you’re looking to improve your brand presence, increase sales and reach new customers to grow your business.
Seamless product syncing.
Item out of stock? On Sale? New products? No worries! We keep your products on Curate up-to-date with the latest availability, pricing, details and product images - without your needing to lift a finger! This ensures that we never sell something that’s out of stock on your website – no need to set aside stock to sell on Curate.
Selectively publish/hide products.
You choose which products to publish to Curate - all through your shopify admin.
Manage orders from Shopify
Orders from Curate appear in your Shopify Dashboard, ready to be fulfilled as usual. Pay no commission until you make a sale.
Install in seconds.
No need to set up a product feed or complex integration. You don't even need to set aside stock to sell on Curate.
How it works
Install the Curate Shopify App to place your store on the waitlist to sell on Curate. We’ll review your store and products to ensure that they're the right fit for our marketplace.
Once approved, your products will automatically sync to your Curate store page and be kept up to date with the latest pricing and product information.
Customise the look and feel of your Curate store page by adding a logo and a blurb about your store.
People who follow your store will see all your latest products in their feed. Whenever someone saves one of your products, their followers see it too.
Customers purchase your products through Curate.
Orders from Curate appear in your Shopify dashboard, ready to be fulfilled as usual.
Curate’s commission fee is charged in your monthly Shopify invoice.
Eligibility Criteria
At this time Curate is highly selective of the products that we accept into our marketplace to ensure the expectations of our customers are met by a consistently high-standard of quality, well-designed, unique fashion, homeware and lifestyle products. Please review our eligibility criteria if you're unsure whether or not your store will be accepted.
Need help?
Ask us a question and we'll get back to you right away. For more information and answers to frequent questions, see our Help Centre.




