Daily Sales Analytics
From $2.99/month. 3-day free trial.

关于Daily Sales Analytics



Get daily emails with all of the crucial analytics you need to supercharge your business, including:
Sales totals
Top products
Top brands
Top tags
Top product types
Top customers
Core Data for Business Growth
You need data to drive decisions about what you sell, but compiling analytics can be messy. Eliminate the spreadsheet headache and have our app send you exactly what you need to know.
No Setup - No Code
This app is dead simple to use. Just install it, and receive an immediate report of yesterday's sales. From then, you'll receive a report everyday delivered directly to your email inbox with the day's sales numbers and core metrics. We even offer a free trial, so you'll know exactly what you're getting.
Monthly or Customized Reports?
Want monthly roll-ups as well? We offer a plan for that! Looking for something more customized? Please email us, and we'd be happy to let you know if what you're seeking is possible.
Free Trial
Try the app for free, and start getting actionable data delivered to you today!




