Delivery & Return Printer
$5.99/month. 10-day free trial.

关于Delivery & Return Printer



Delivery & Return Printer from moving primates allows you to print out the fulfillments of your order to receive correct delivery notes and return forms.
Isn't there Order Printer for that?
The problem is that regardless of your actual fulfillment, Order Printer prints out all items of the order. Delivery & Return Printer prints a specific fulfillment, or in other words: the items that you are actually shipping. This is especially useful for orders with multiple shipments.
What about templates?
Our app comes with two simple templates: one for the Delivery Note and one Return Form. Both available in English, French and German language.
With some knowledge of HTML and liquid, you can modify those templates or create your own within the app.
Also, in case you already purchased templates from Order Printer Templates, you'll be happy to hear that with just some tiny tweaks, you'll be able to use your Order Printer Templates inside our app as well. You'll find a short instruction on this within our app.
Any questions?
Make sure to contact us if you have any questions. We'll be happy to assist you!




