Delivery Time Guru
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关于Delivery Time Guru



Our app enables you to display real-time delivery date countdowns on product pages giving your customers critical buying information before they purchase. You can use our app to boost customer urgency with location aware real-time delivery date countdowns.
"Order in 3 hr 15 min 3 sec and get it tomorrow - Dec 23"
Real-Time Delivery Dates
Delivery dates are retrieved real-time from major carriers and displayed to the customer based on their IP geolocated location and the proximity to your nearest fulfillment center.
Support for Multiple Fulfillment Centers
Run a worldwide store with fulfillment centers across multiple countries and states? We've got that covered. You can even set timezones per fulfillment center and we'll handle giving accurate timezone aware delivery dates to your customers.
Unique Map View
With our unique map view you can give your customers a map from where products are being shipped from to their location to encourage purchase decisions.
Major Shipping Providers Supported (including international)
Choose which shipping providers and shipping options your shop uses.
Infinitely customizable
Match your store’s theme, support multiple fulfillment locations, support worldwide shipping, specify custom product rules, and much more.
Product level rules
Specify rules for specific shipping providers and shipping options, fulfillment locations from where products are not located, extra delay days, and more.
Many convenient features
Set dates where you do not ship, days of the week you do not ship, delay days, fulfillment lead time, and more.
Easy to install and use.... and FREE (up to 10 orders)!
Simply install and enable and you'll see Get it by Countdown!



