From $5/month. 14-day free trial.




E-commerce operators spend too much time messing with their website when they should be spending time running their business. What makes it even harder, is e-commerce is getting more competitive all the time.
We want to change that. Droparoo focuses on offering unique sales experiences and is best suited for sellers with a sales or discounting strategy. It is also well suited to help excess inventory or hard to sell items.
Our goal is to give you new creative ways to merchandise your products.
Flash sales, daily deals, beat-the-clocks, group buying, private membership are all different shopping experiences. We want to give you the ability to run yours on your own store on a single page.
No more flipping products in and out of collections or changing navigation and reordering products. Let us help you merchandise easily.
Join us!
You can choose which days of the week you want to run your games!
Our app will automatically put products up for sale only on the days you want.
Automatic Deal Display:
Queue up a list of products you want to put on sale, if it sells out, we'll make sure to skip to the next product. We make sure you're deal page is never empty!
We support foreign currencies
We have a count down clock to create urgency in your customers!
We include social sharing functionality
Our team is ready to make sure the installation goes without a hitch! (We may take up to 24-48 hours to respond).




