Easy AB
From $9/month. 7-day free trial.

关于Easy AB



Are you currently split-testing your product pages? If not, you’re probably throwing money out of the window!
Split-testing is key to the success of your store because if you don’t test, you’ll never really know whether your current product page is the best it could be.
Split-testing used to be a pain, I know. We totally understand that there are better places for you to invest your time than messing around in your website code to get a split-test running.
That’s why most store owners we’ve spoken to either a) don’t run any split-tests (just hoping for the best) or b) change the product description manually every few days and compare the sales.
This is a fatal mistake.
If you don’t split-test, you’ll never know whether your product pages are converting optimally or not.
While changing the product page manually is a step in the right direction, it’s not a proper split-test because sales & conversion rates naturally fluctuate from week to week.
This will lead you to making false assumptions about what is & isn’t working and cost you money in the long run.
Thankfully, split-testing is easier than ever before with our new app: Easy AB.
The app allows split-testing in as low as 15-minute intervals allowing you to immediately figure out what’s making your store more profitable.
You can split test in detail, determining if your store converts better with certain apps. This allows you to figure out the exact apps that convert, rather than just installing apps and hoping for the best.
On top of all of this, you get proper split testing which no other Shopify app currently offers. The closest others get to our 15-minute split testing capability is 1 week long split testing. At that point, it’s not a valid split test and you will not get the precise knowledge you were looking for.
With the Testing AB App, you get:
• Split testing in as low as 15-minute intervals
• Split test with, and without popular Shopify apps
• Easy testing, you’re able to adjust absolutely anything allowing you to get the full benefits
• Proper split testing, only app on the Shopify App Store that does so
• Cheap plans, test multiple times a day if you’d like!
You want a very profitable store right? If so, quality split testing is needed to get there. Start playing around with the Easy AB app to remove the guesswork and really figure out what makes your store convert traffic into customers.




