Elfsight Countdown Timer
Elfsight 出品
$4.99/month. 7-day free trial.

关于Elfsight Countdown Timer



Countdown timer to set up urgency
Set a countdown clock that will show the time left till the end of a discount period or a special offer. It will build an impression of urgency and drive visitors to buy faster not to lose a chance.
Remaining time count for each visitor
Speed up purchasing with a personal countdown timer for each visitor. It will show the time till the end of a personal offer, discount, or bonus and create a fear of missing.
Start-to-finish number count
Increase interest to your items among users by demonstrating how quickly they get sold out. For this you can set a website countdown timer that will show a growing number of sales or decline in stock.
Two scenarios after timer finishing
After the time has run out, there are two possible scenarios: the your website timer can totally disappear from the page, or show a message, which you want users to see.
Redirection button for swift purchase
Arrange the shortest way to purchase, adding a button that will redirect users to a required page. It will appear next to the Countdown Timer and you can also edit button label to write a call-to-action.
Holiday themes for attractive sale bars
Don’t miss profit during holidays and special occasion. Create a theme sales bar for holiday sales and special offers, using one of the predefined themes: Christmas, New Year, Black Friday, Valentine and more.
And many more:
Three types of Countdown Timer: start-to-finish, remaining time per visitor, start-to-finish number count
Up and down counter
Option to set start and finish date and time
Option to show a message before timer
Editable message text with formatting
Option to create a button below the Countdown Timer
Editable button text
Option to set button link for redirection
Four time units: days, hours, minutes, seconds
Two actions after timer finish: hide Countdown Timer or show message
Editable text of timer finish message
Four position variants: static top, floating top or bottom, and custom position
Align variants for custom position: left, right, center
5 timer styles included
5 holiday themes for the most popular occasions
Option to change the color of Countdown Timer, button, labels, and message
Can I try the Countdown Timer by Elfsight and remove it without payment?
Sure! You can install Elfsight Countdown Timer and use it for free during trial period of 7 days. If you remove it within this period, you won’t have to pay anything. Also you have a chance to explore all the features without installing the app - just check live demo on our website.
Can I cancel my subscription any time?
Of course! You will just need to delete the app from your website and the subscription will be cancelled automatically.




