Let users know who your team members are
For each person of the team, you can show an info card, which includes fields not only for contact information, but for position in the company, description of responsibilities, biography, and the favourite inspirational phrase. Upload a photo of the person and enter social profiles links to make users contact your people in one click.
Divide the team into categories
Our widget allows you to divide team members into groups. You can create multiple groups of any types: departments, locations, qualification, etc., and easily assign people to them. Groups and their members can be displayed altogether, or you can create a menu. You can also add your own widget title and show an active button to redirect visitors to any page.
Change the layout and colors
Elfsight widget offers four variants of layout. You can show your team profiles in a grid, as a list, in the manner of a gallery, or as cards. Responsive widget size makes the widget automatically adjust the parameters to the available space. The interface can be made unique, using coloring option, there are four elements that you can paint yourself.
And many more:
Show each team member with a photo, position, contact info, and detailed text
Add unlimited team members
Clickable icons of social media to go to a person’s profile
Clickable website link and email address
Location address opens on Google Maps on click
Popup opens on click with full details about a person
Option to add a quotation for each person through a text field with formatting options
Upload a photo in all popular formats
Text field with formatting options to add a biography
Links supported in biography and quote text fields
Option to create unlimited categories and assign team members to them
Choose to show or hide groups
2 variants to show groups: as a list or by one with a menu
Option to add call-to-action button to redirect users to any page
Editable label of the call-to-action button
Editable caption of the button
Add a custom widget title
4 variants of layout: Grid, Cards, Gallery, List
4 paintable interface elements: widget background, item background and text, and call-to-action button