EmbedSocial: Verified Reviews
Free plan available

关于EmbedSocial: Verified Reviews



EmbedSocial for Shopify helps you collect and display verified customer reviews on autopilot.
Verified customer reviews provide a strong sense of trust, helping potential buyers make faster purchasing decisions. It can greatly boost your conversion rates and help you sell more.
Our platform is free for shops with up to 100 orders/month, and our pricing plans are designed to fit your growth. On-demand, transparent and flexible.
EmbedSocial for Shopify is an all in one reviews collection platform for your shop
Quick setup - Fully built for Shopify stores
Automatic email requests - Collect product reviews via email, automatically and from every purchase
Personalized email parameters - Make personalized email templates at scale
Easy moderation - Full control which reviews show on your product pages
Modern widgets - Variety of layouts and templates
Bulk controls - Search fields, filters, and simple navigation through reviews
Custom CSS - CSS editor to apply your own style and make the widgets look as you wish
Theme compatible - works with any theme, mobile-friendly and 100% responsive
Import requests - Send us your reviews list and we will upload them in your account
Show proof with a verified badge for each review.
We take great pride in our Customer Supoort, and will go to great lengths to hear from you, and help you succeed.




