Exit Offers
$9.99/month. 14-day free trial.

关于Exit Offers



How does Exit Offers work?
When a user moves their mouse to exit your store, we show them a special offer. The special offer is customizable by you. You can show to people who put items in their cart or everyone.
Examples Of Popular Exit Offers
Product Discount
Free Shipping
24/7 Customer Support
You have total control of what offers you want to promote as well as when and how often to show them.
Will I be able to provide One Time Use Coupons?
Yes! For the first time ever you don’t have to worry about providing coupons that customers will share throughout the internet or use multiple times. Coupons can only be used once!
How can I tell how much money Exit Offers is making me?
We provide stats on how much money Exit Offers is making you. The majority of stores make enough in the free trial to pay for Exit Offers for a year.
For the first time ever Exit Offers allows you to:
Sell to anyone about to leave your store instantly!
Sell to people about to abandon their shopping carts!
Retain full control and customization over Exit Offers
Exit Offers unlocks the hidden profit behind worthless traffic leaving your site for good.
Will I be able to A/B test different Exit Offers?
Yes! We allow you to create and track multiple Exit Offers. Test and figure what converts the best for you.
Can I Customize Exit Offers To Look Like My Site?
We give you full control to determine the look and feel of Exit Offers.
How Is Exit Offers Different Than Other Abandonment Apps?
Other abandonment apps only let you market to people after they have left your site. Exit Offers allows you to market to potential customers as they are about to leave your site.




