Fulfillment Estimates
$9.99/month. 15-day free trial.

关于Fulfillment Estimates



Easily create and automatically display estimates for how long it will take to ship or process purchases on your store!
Fulfillment Estimates by ShopBits can be used to solve all sorts of shipping and fulfillment estimate needs, such as:
* Displaying estimate ship dates on your product pages.
* Displaying estimates for products that are custom built after estimates.
* Displaying dynamic estimates for products that grow as more orders come in.
* ...or any other kind of estimate! Fulfillment Estimates by ShopBits can be easily customized to fit your needs.
Create estimates for individual products or entire product collections.
Create estimates that grow as additional orders come in, keeping your customers informed on long it will take to ship or process an item.
Display estimates right on your product page with no code changes.
Customizable estimate formatting and placement.
Easy to use estimate dashboard to quickly view estimates displayed to customers.
Customization Options
Fulfillment Estimates by ShopBits can be heavily customized to fit your needs! Customization options include:
* Customizable estimate text to fit in perfectly with your store.
* The ability to round up estimates to specific weekdays, perfect for stores that ship only on specific days.
Integration Details
Fulfillment Estimates will automatically place your estimate text underneath the Add to Cart button on your storefront. However, if you can also customize the placement of the text via adding a small snippet to your store's template.
If you find that the estimate is not displayed automatically, or you would like to customize the placement of it, feel free to reach out to us and we can help you customize the placement for your needs!




