Give & Grow
Free to install. External charges may apply.

关于Give & Grow



The largest database of charities on Shopify - +2million organizations!Why Give and Grow can Help your Business Grow
Build customer loyalty by making it easier for customers to support causes they’re passionate about. It’s proven: people are loyal to a company that gives back.
92% of Consumers Have a more positive image of mission-driven companies (Cone CSR Studies (2017)
One-third of all consumers today will stop buying their preferred products if they lose trust in the brand.
How to Use Give & Grow
Round-up Purchases for Charity: Allow your customers to round-up their purchases to the nearest dollar to support charitable causes.
Donate $1 at Checkout: Enable users to add a $1 to their order, Customers can increase the amount they’d like to donate by increasing the quantity in the cart.
Give % or Fixed Amount per Product: Integrate giving directly into your product sales. Highlight specific products by associating them with causes or nonprofits.
Choose to support one or several nonprofits (up to 12). Offer customers the opportunity to select the recipient charity, or distribute donations equally to your chosen causes.
Display your impact in real-time. Showcase dollars donated or representative impact metrics - we’re the only donation app measuring real-time impact.
Get Started
Personalize: Select your cause or nonprofit from our network of 2 million vetted nonprofits in over 100 countries. We’ll handle all the back-end donation processing.
Install: Seamlessly integrate our donation platform into your customer experience with an embed code. Customize your impact calculator by choosing your cause, donation amount, color scheme, and icon.
Share: Shout it from the rooftops! Make an announcement on social media, send an email blast, put it on your homepage, and watch your brand loyalty grow.
Be efficient: Give & Grow instantly generates a detailed report of each donation, a summary of each time period, and easily downloadable tax receipts.
Our Lawyers Wanted Us to Tell You
There may be laws around giving back and cause marketing that are specific to your state (if your business is US-based), or country. We cannot be your lawyers and recommend consulting your legal team to approve your charitable giving program.
About Us
Pledgeling enables every business to change the world by giving back to the causes they care about. To date, we’ve powered over $18MM+ in nonprofit donations, working with enterprise brands like discovery and leading Shopify stores like ThisSavesLives, Coastal Co., Giving Keys, Zox and over 3,000 more. It’s all part of our #PledgeToDoGood and our goal to help your store #GrowThroughGiving.



