Impulse Offers
$10/month. 30-day free trial.

关于Impulse Offers



Add any offer you like to your checkout page in seconds!
Impulse offers has a single, straight forward purpose. It makes it incredibly easy to allow your customers to add any item you like, right from the cart display page.
You can have offers display above or below the items in the cart and you can adjust the styling of the offer text with CSS.
Offers can range from fun swag, like free stickers to boost your brand, charitable donations for a good cause, or even service options. We have found this simple add-on can literally make your store hundreds of dollars every month simply by taking advantage of a unique opportunity. It is the right place (your checkout page) at the right time (during checkout). Every gas station and grocery store you've ever been in has opted to utilize the checkout area to sell impulse items like gum and candy. Why? Because it works! It's the most profitable shelf space in the store and your checkout page is the eCommerce equivalent. The potential for quick add-on sales is unquestionable and your checkout page is currently saying "I'm not interested in offering you anything". Start taking advantage of this low-hanging, lucrative opportunity today.
What are you are leaving on the table every month your store does not have impulse offers installed?
Just by adding a single offer of Priority Handling you could instantly add to your store's gross revenue. Let me explain. If you're like many merchants you can guarantee that orders will ship the same day if placed by a certain time. Making this guarantee directly is all that is needed to offer priority handling in your store, but most shops don't make this option available. Why not give the customer the opportunity to purchase same-day, priority handling, and guarantee it? In nearly every case you can deliver on the guarantee and if you are unable to, for any reason, the $3 will be promptly refunded. Impulse Offers is the easiest way to present this type of offer right on the cart page.
Shipping insurance is another great offer that many merchants are able to offer. If a package you ship is destroyed or lost in transit do you replace it for your customer, either making a claim or eating the cost when necessary? Most companies already do this but they do not make it known. Offering shipping insurance can turn that occasional cost into regular revenue. Offering shipping insurance explicitly gives your customer peace of mind and adds to the bottom line.
Impulse Offers makes it fast and easy to these offers, or any others that you have in mind, to your checkout page.
Give Impulse Offers a try and see how valuable the right offer at the right time can be!




