关于Koin Rewards



Koin Rewards - Rewarding the meaningful
Life is much more than the sum of what we consume. People want a meaningful, rewarding life. They are choosing to spend on experiences rather than just goods.
How can we help bring people together for the greater good?
Loyalty programs are proven to promote behaviours which can go beyond financial sense.
Koin Rewards harnesses the power of loyalty, behavioural science and technology to encourage more meaningful choices.
Ethical shopping: Small changes, big difference
Koin Rewards help members find merchants that fit their values.
We help members spend ethically by rewarding their engagement with sustainable brands and merchants.
In addition for earning for spend, members can earn for ethical and sustainable shopping.
Responsible merchants will be able to promote their goods through Koin.
What Koin Rewards offers merchants:
Offering Koin is a clear point of differentiation that enhances customer experience online and in-store;
Koin is the gateway into cryptocurrency for the high street, bringing this new technology and currency into shopper’s everyday life;
Koin can be used as an investment pot, to be kept over time, in order to generate a return;
Koin has no boundaries – in channel or geographies;
Easy to onboard, easy to understand and ripe for your customers.
How the Koin Rewards Shopify app works
All you need to do is connect your Shopify store to the Koin Rewards Shopify app and complete the Koin Rewards Merchant application form. It takes just a few minutes.
Once your account is approved your store will be added to our coalition of merchants and any Koin Reward members that shop at your store will start earning Koin Rewards.
The Koin Rewards Shopify app also allows shoppers to redeem Koin Rewards at your store. The shopper will use their Koin Rewards smartphone app to generate a redemption voucher code for a specific amount of GBP which can be entered into your voucher code box during your checkout process.
Frictionless for you and frictionless for your customers.
How does it work for your customers, our Members?
Members join the program;
Members spend with your business;
Members earn Koin;
Members can redeem Koin for a gift code to spend with your business.
Members can also donate their Koin to projects that contribute to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, as well as investing in an impact investment portfolio.




