KS (SEO Keywords Suggester)

关于KS (SEO Keywords Suggester)



What is KS (SEO Keywords Suggester)
Our intelligent SEO tool KS (SEO Keywords Suggester) will work for you 24/7 analyzing search terms (keywords) from Google that relevant to your site pages that already have organic traffic.
Why do you need it?
Sometimes it is very difficult to predict exactly what combination of words people will use when searching specific product or service. Instead of spending hours, days and weeks experimenting with different SEO keywords for different pages of your website, SEO Keywords Suggester will give you most effective combinations of words that will reach your website.
How it works
Google uses machine learning technologies and perfectly understands what is presented on each page of your site. As a result, Google shows your pages in the search results for those SEO search terms that you did not even know. These are the search terms that are really relevant to the your customers needs.
To use our SEO app effectively, you need a working merchant shop that have at least 3000 users per month from Google organic search (from SEO), or actually function and sell goods for at least a year.
There are three simple steps to reach your SEO results:
Install our KS (SEO Keywords Suggester).
Connect it with your Google Search Console.
See the list of pages with suggested keywords that have real SEO potential.
You can use those SEO keywords as is or separate words from them in descriptions, titles or meta tags to synchronize your content with customers needs.
Why I see "No Suggestions" message
To see the results, site must have organic traffic and at least 500 impressions in Google search results for some separate pages.
Try it today - it's free!
Start using our SEO tool today and you will see results tomorrow. Limited offer – get KS (SEO Keywords Suggester) beta now and have all future versions for free for life.



