Low Stock Notifier
Xeon App 出品
From $2.99/month. 14-day free trial.

关于Low Stock Notifier



As a store owner, you want to make sure you don't lose your customers just because it doesn't come to your notice that an item is out of stock.
Low stock notifier helps retailers automate alerts for low stock product variants with configurable, powerful rules.
Trusted and Used by 150+ stores.What if your store has multiple vendors and you want them to be alerted if an item of their products is out of stock?
With this app, you can create multiple notifiers. Each notifier can be configured to add a filter for vendors and they can be notified if their product is low in stock.
Key Features
Send alerts to concerned recipients for Low-stock product variants
Filter product variants based on rules ( Vendors, collections, locations etc ... )
Set stock threshold level to trigger the notifier
Send notification via Email or Slack
WYSIWYG editor that lets you create email templates quickly and easily
Set up notifiers in few seconds, no coding required
Send as many notification as needed
Create as many notifiers as needed
FREE TO TRY FOR 14 DAYSNeed more customization
No worries! we are open to address any custom requirements. Please feel free to contact us.




