Magic Product Description Tabs
$4.99/month. 7-day free trial.

关于Magic Product Description Tabs



What it Does
Magic Tabs provides an incredibly simple way to convert your long form product descriptions into an easy to navigate, tabbed product description.
Avoid cluttered product descriptions with clean and organized tabbed content.
Create an unlimited amount of tabs.
Add static tabs: Constant tabs that are automatically applied to all product descriptions.
Responsive: Desktop, Tablet & Mobile friendly.
Automatically matches your store's aesthetic/theme.
Adjust the styling of the active tab easily.
Automatic installer built in. No need to edit any code.
How it Works
Set the tab titles to Heading 3s/H3s (Or a different heading of your choice) within the product description editor, place the tab content below the Heading 3/H3, and allow Magic Tabs to take care of the rest!
Magic Tabs will automatically inherit the styling from your theme so the look of the tabs matches the rest of your store's aesthetic. Additionally, Magic Tabs allows you to adjust how active tab appears.
Magic Tabs allows you to add as many tabs as you like, there is no limit for how many tabs you can add to any product page.
Magic Tabs will work automatically for all product descriptions with more than one Heading 3/H3 (Or different heading depending on which heading you selected in the options above).
Magic Tabs will install itself automatically on almost any theme. In the event Magic Tabs is unable to install itself automatically due to a theme incompatibility, please check out the manual install instructions in the Magic Tabs app dashboard.




