Make an Offer
Free to install. Additional charges may apply.

关于Make an Offer



Why Make an Offer is a must have
Conversions on steroids. Proven to increase conversions and sales.
Cart abandonment defense. Activate exit intent on cart page to convert people who have already demonstrated strong buy interest.
Design it your way. You design the button and popup the way you want!
One click install, no coding needed.
Auto response option that allows customer offers to be responded automatically and instantly using customizable discount rules that you set.
Lead generation machine. Every offer made on your site requires the customer to enter their email and hence even if you decline the offer you are left with a precious email lead.
What does our app do?
Online stores just like traditional stores face a large number of window shoppers that browse around the website but never buy anything. Additionally, online stores face a unique cart abandonment problem. These are people who have a strong intention to buy and add the product to the cart but never end up buying the product.
Our app strives to convert these window shoppers and cart abandoners into customers in a unique and engaging way.
How it works?
Our app allows your end customers to make a price offer on products selected by the store owner. Store owners have complete autonomy over how and when they wish to have the option of making an offer shown.
You could place a “make an offer” button beside the “Add to cart” button or you could choose to only show the exit popup when a user is exiting the website. For mobile users you can even choose a timed overlay, which is an elegant message that shows on the product and cart page after a few seconds if the user is still undecided about purchasing the item.




