Me‑Zur Me

关于Me‑Zur Me



What is Me-Zur?
Me-Zur is a plug-in for clothing stores to help:
Minimize their returns
Keep profit margins
Increase customer service ratings and productivity
Improve customer confidence
Increase total number of items purchased per cart
Most importantly help generate a higher overall profit.
Me-Zur will create this by helping your customer find the perfect size, the first time.
Imagine creating an e-commerce clothing store while maintaining a customer’s confidence as if they were in a brick-and-mortar store themselves. Me-Zur is the virtual replacement of a best friend or worker helping you shop for clothes that fit you. Comments like “Too loose” or “Will fit tight” will be suggested at the end of the Me-Zur process. This process could increase the quantity a customer would purchase because they trust that the garments will fit them comfortably.
Minimizing returns would occur because of a customer finding and acquiring the right size the first time. Due to the lower rate of returns, you would not have to accept as many return packages and the labour to receive them and then deal with the garments involved which would increase profits and productivity. Increasing customer service ratings would occur because the number of returns would decrease and would allow the customer service representatives to attend to other calls instead. Me-Zur would improve customer confidence because they would trust the sizing of the products being received. This could further result in a customer ordering more garments per order because they do not need to “test” whether a product will fit correctly. Overall, this app will help generate a higher profit through efficiency and the building of trust with your customers.



