Meraki Quick View
$2.99/month. 7-day free trial.

关于Meraki Quick View



Many shoppers want to have a quick review of product details when they are browsing the products collection page, and this app not only saves time, but also assures a convenient experience for the shopper. Meraki Quick View allows people to instantly buy the product without wasting time and risking to leave due to slow product page loading.
Frictionless Shopping Experience
Meraki Quick View app provide your shoppers with a fast way of viewing product details without any latency in a well designed pop up box, with all the needed information, and because more than half of overall web traffic comes from mobile Meraki Quick View is a mobile first web experience with clean and aesthetic desktop design.
Animation boost UX (User Experience)
Meraki Quick View is tailored carefully to make use of Animation to provide a great shopping experience, while maintaining usability and aesthetic design.
What makes Meraki Quick View different than all other quick View apps?
Super fast
Fully animated
Responsive design (mobile/tablet/Desktop...)
Clean aesthetic design
Smooth Image Swipers
Zoom in/out toggle
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us using our Support contacts.




