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$7/month. 7-day free trial.




Add extra data fields to your data, using Shopify metafields
Did you know you can add extra data fields to nearly every resource in your Shopify store? It's true. Shopify has a somewhat obscure feature they call metafields (not the same as meta tags) which is typically only available to developers thru the Shopify API. The Metafields2 application now provides you the ability to add, manage, import, and export extra fields for nearly everything — the shop itself, collections, products, product variants, customers, orders, blogs, articles & pages!
The app installs like any other app and adds context-aware links within your Shopify dashboard to the app where you can create and manage all of your extra fields. The app also provides full import/export capability via CSV files similar to the way you can import products and/or customers now in your dashboard.
Affiliates of sineLABS receive this app for free. Contact us for details at our support email address.
# New Feature!
Writable customer metafields! With a bit of custom code in your theme, you can now update customer metafields from the front end of your shop. This means you can ask the customer for their preferences, measurements, birthday, or any thing else you'd like to gather and store them in metafields you configure using our app. If you have the coding capabilities to customize html, css, and javascript in your theme and want to utilize this new feature, we can provide you with helpful tips and example code to get you going!
# Important Note
This is NOT an 'SEO' app enabling meta tags. Although the name metafields might make you think of 'meta tags' at first, the resemblance is entirely coincidental. Its name is simply the same name Shopify gives this 'extra fields' feature via their API ( With that said, you can certainly use this app for meta tags or any other 'extra' data you want to attach to Shopify resources for SEO purposes, but its utility is much, much broader and the use cases are really limitless.
# Important Note
This app will allow you to create, manage, and add data to metafields in your store but makes no changes to your themes or templates on your behalf. To put the metafields you create to use in your themes, you will need to do so manually, they will not automatically display or trigger any special functionality for your store. For reference, search online for Shopify blog articles and their online documentation for metafields to better understand them.



