Prevent Small Orders
Tired of getting small orders that are not profitable? Minimum Orders keeps your shoppers from checking out until their cart total reaches a minimum amount set by you. You can set the minimum by qty, money, weight, and sku.
Your shoppers will see a popup message when they click your checkout button and their cart total is below your required minimum amount.
Configure Minimum Settings
* Total Cart Quantity
* Total Cart Money Amount
* Total Cart Weight
* Individual Sku
Apply Minimums To Certain Products
* Apply minimum checks to all products by default.
* Use Include Collection to restrict minimum checks to a single product collection.
* Use Exclude Collection to apply minimum checks to all products except for a single collection.
* Use Variant Minimums to apply specific minimum checks to specific SKUs.
We offer a free trial, so install now and join hundreds of other stores using this app to prevent shoppers from submitting small orders.
Please email us directly if you have any questions or need assistance with setup. We will try our best to respond to all messages within 24 hours. Typically we respond within a few hours. We are a very small development team (2 people) and will do our best to make sure this app provides value to your store.
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