Mobile Chat
$15/month. 7-day free trial.

关于Mobile Chat



Increase sales by letting your mobile customer text you!
Customers who visit your store via mobile phones make up 50% (or more) of most store's traffic.
However, they tend to convert far worse than customers using a desktop computer.
Mobile Chat fixes this!
This app adds a simple button at the bottom of your mobile website that allows your customers to text you. This allows customers to ask you questions and allows YOU to sell them on the product. All within a channel - texting - where 98% of people read every message.
Let's take a look at a few things the Mobile Chat app allows you to do:
* Allow customers to text you with just 1 tap on their phones
* Answer customer questions via text, and encourage them to buy
* Build up a list of phone numbers for later remarketing
* Reach out to your customers that text you via SMS, the most engaging marketing channel available today
Start engaging with your customers via text and start your free Mobile Chat trial now!
If for any reason you don't LOVE this app, just cancel within 7 days and you will not be charged.



