Multi Seller Marketplace
$39.99/month. 30-day free trial.

关于Multi Seller Marketplace



Multi Seller Marketplace is an app which enables you to convert your shopify store to a perfect markeplace with multiple sellers (vendors/merchants).
Highlight of features:Admin Panel:
Create/manage vendors
Create/manage product categories (or collection)
Create/manage products, admin can review and approve/reject (either set auto approval or manually) the products uploaded by merchant
Manage orders and also can remind merchant for particular order
Manage store settings like, portal header, either admin can set text or store logo as header.
Admin can set measurement unit which is used to display unit of weight when any product is added/ edited by seller/admin.
Admin can also set his/her commission on particular seller product, either in percentage or in amount.
Manage merchant payments and also admin can able to view total commission and merchants total sells and stuffs.
Admin can manage below mail content, mail subject and toggle on/off for emails for various events
Seller / Vendor wise commission setting
And much more..
Merchant (vendor) panel:
Vendor / Seller registration & On boarding
Products : Vendor can add new product (Normal & Digital), edit existing product , delete product, Add products using CSV upload and also view approved product in store.
Orders : Vendor can see their products order detail and fulfill order.
Profile : Vendor can manage their profile detail.
Payment detail : Vendor can manage their payment method and payment detail which is used when their payment is done by admin.
Transaction detail : Vendor can also see their total transaction detail with paid, cancel, success and refund detail.
Change password : Vendor can also change their login password.




