Notification & Bubble Cart
$0.99/month. 3-day free trial.

关于Notification & Bubble Cart



Notification & Bubble Cart with an Amazing Favicon Notification which adds a product to the shopping cart directly (with a fly to cart effect) from the products listing and the product detail pages without reloading page and indicating nice notification favicon and quick bubble cart.
This app shows current cart items count with the website's favicon icon and floating bubble cart
Live Demo
Please check Favicon Notification with add some product to cart.
◈◈◈ Live support available after app installation ◈◈◈This app lets you:
Reduce the number of abandons by showing a notification right in the browser
Effortlessly increase your store's conversion rate: within one click, the module is active, without any effect on theme, design or navigation!
App amazing features
Favicon's counter colors selection
Floating bubble cart with various options
Blinking Time Interval
Admin setting to turn ON/OFF the functionality
Easy to install
No coding experience is required to run this
Showing a notification right in the browser will encourage visitors to complete purchases which in turn reduce the number of cart abandons. Also a quick way for direct checkout without a cart page load.
It's a discrete and effective nudge to remind users they have a full cart and encourage them to check out!
Enjoy the app and email us if you need custom programming or design for Shopify stores!



