Personal Discount
Free plan available

关于Personal Discount



Personal Discount enables you to automatically send out unique discount codes to your customers when they:
signed up for your email list
made their first (or next) purchase
abandoned their cart
Or you can generate unique coupons for all your existing subscribers and send a regular, one-off campaign.
Unique discount codes
The app guarantees that the generated coupon codes are unique. Every subscriber will receive an individual code. There are no duplicates.
Custom code pattern
You can specify a custom pattern for the discount codes. For example, WELCOME-XXXXX will generate codes like WELCOME-4M1GO or WELCOME-GR8DL.
Relative expiration date
The app can create time-sensitive discount codes. You can set an expiration date relative to the moment when a person signs up for your newsletter. For example, you can say that the coupon is valid for only 7 days.
The app provides a deep integration with Mailchimp. You can also use it with Active Campaign, Klavyio, MailerLite, Omnisend, Privy and other email marketing serives.
Activity Log
You will be able to see what discount code was created, and for which customer. You will be able to see when it happened.




