Price Change Notification
$2/month. 3-day free trial.

关于Price Change Notification



Price Change Email Notification for the Customer provides the ease to purchase the Product if the price falls in their budget.
The customer just needs to subscribe their email for the Price Change Notification.
Simple Automated Process, to send Notification. When You can change the price, it will automatically send a Notification Email with predefined Template. You can customize the template based on your Theme Design, Template is Simple HTML/CSS code.
You will get following benefits when you use Price Change Notification App:
Automatic Send Notification Email to Subscribed Customers.
You can have Control to Send Email in Price change or not.
You will have the list of all Subscriber based on Product.
You can customize the Email Template with HTML Editor or Use your Own Template.
Increase your Sale when you change your Price.
You can Evaluate the Sales, Means How many Customer will Purchase the Product when you change the Price.
Increase the Customer Engagement in your store.
Make your store more Customer priority/ Customer Features.
Support within 24 hours.



