Free to install. Additional charges may apply.




Pricestack helps you optimize your prices, enabling you to worry less and profit more! Learn more now and install for free.
Why Optimize Your Prices?
As your ecommerce business grows and changes, so do the tastes, preferences, and budgets of your customers. Pricestack enables you to adapt to changing demand and drive higher average order values and profitability.
What Does Pricestack Do?
Pricestack calculates demand metrics and uses them to suggest perfect prices!
To calculate demand metrics, Pricestack A.I. first learns to understand the effects of a variety of important influences, including but not limited to the following:
Shopper Factors:
Discount/promo codes
Shipping charges
Trust in merchant
Ability or willingness to pay
Pricestack analyzes visitor and order data to form a demand curve, implicitly accounting for Shopper Factors.
Merchant Factors:
Marginal costs
Average discount
Shipping costs
Admin costs
Brand image
Pricestack accepts merchant cost data and goals to form a supply curve, accounting for Merchant Factors.
How Do I Use Pricestack?
After an easy one-click installation, Pricestack analyzes merchant data with A.I. and presents simple forecasts and price change suggestions.
Within the user interface, Pricestack presents approval cards that provide merchants with the final approval over price changes and their timings. See Media Gallery for Approval Cards.
This approval process is great for merchants who market the prices of their products and need time to adjust, or merchants who need to follow MSRPs.
After installing merchants can expect to see price suggestions within 24 hours, then subsequent suggestions on a weekly basis.
Pricestack Goals
Often, pricing involves trade-offs. Merchants must inform Pricestack of their key metric that they wish to improve upon and optimize for in order to receive optimal price suggestions:
Per-Visitor Profit & Revenue (Suggested): maximize profit as long as there isn’t a significant reduction in revenue.
Per-Visitor Profit: maximize profit regardless of the effect of revenue.
Per-Visitor Revenue: maximize revenue while maintaining positive margins.
The Pricestack Effect
Monetization is the differentiator of modern D2C companies. Merchants commonly use Facebook and Google Ads to drive traffic and acquire customers; Hotjar tools to improve their sites and Drip to retain interested users; and Pricestack to monetize shoppers.



