Qonverto: Facebook Ad Tracking
$14.90/month. 3-day free trial.

关于Qonverto: Facebook Ad Tracking



Are Facebook ads your main source of traffic? Then you definitely need the Qonverto app. We’ve created Qonverto with for two main purposes in mind: to help you track sales you make through Messenger and to help you get back conversions you lost due to certain devices and browsers (Apple Safari and Firefox) blocking Facebook Pixel.
Qonverto’s job is to send all Shopify orders to Facebook, without using JavaScript or other pixels. Instead it uses pure shopper data, like email addresses. This way, Facebook can match up all those users it couldn’t due to pixel blocking, as well as the users whose orders were manually entered from your side (e.g. when a customer support agent gets a request for an order through Messenger and manually enters it in Shopify’s backend).
Are you using Messenger bots, completing orders through customer support on Messenger or offering phone support that generates sales?
If you’ve answered yes to at least one of the above, Qonverto is an absolute must-have application for you. Since it doesn’t use pixel for tracking, it allows you to link conversions entered manually (either by you or a bot) to the specific ad that made the customer contact you through Messenger, e-mail or a phone call. Yes, Qonverto can track conversions made through telephone support.
Get the full picture about your Facebook ads’ performance and feed the algorithm for higher profitability
Apple and Firefox have already started blocking Facebook Pixel and all 3rd party cookies. Although Facebook has found a temporary workaround, the trend of blocking tracking will continue, and all the big players on the internet scene will have to follow suit. This means a lack of conversions in Ad Manager, leading you to optimise your ads incorrectly. It also means a lack of data for the algorithm that needs as much data as possible to help you find potential buyers.
Qonverto is a Shopify app that will push your purchase conversion customer data directly into Facebook, completely circumventing the Facebook Pixel. With Qonverto, Apple and Firefox can continue blocking Facebook tracking, but your conversion data will still safely get to Facebook to be used by their ad optimisation algorithms.
Qonverto data will be visible in Facebook Ad Manager in two columns: Offline Conversions and Offline Conversions Value. This means you’ll finally be able to see the all the sales generated by your ads, regardless of where the order was made, and regardless of whether Facebook Pixel was blocked.




