Detailed Description
rBux is a unique system for rewarding influencers and loyal customers that love your products.
Online store World of Angus saw a 650% increase in referral sales with rBux’s unique rewards program. In just 7 days, the e-commerce site received 22,000 views and $1,500 in referral sales.
Here’s how rBux works:
Influencers sign up for rBux directly from your e-commerce site, and share products with their followers.
Customers purchase products that influencers have shared with them.
Influencers earn a commission when a sale is made.
You get more sales, influencers get more rewards, and customers buy more products they love.
Why choose rBux?Get referral sales through active marketing
Referrals are not just a passive activity you can’t control. With rBux, your brand can collaborate with powerful influencers in your industry. By offering them rewards for sharing your products with their followers, your influencers refer more customers to your website.
Stick to your marketing budget while converting prospects
There are no monthly fees with rBux. The only time you pay is when a customer makes a purchase. We take the risk out of referral marketing with our performance-based model.
Show your influencers and customers you value them
Our unique referral tracking and rewards distribution technology rewards influencers and customers more than any other program – without any extra cost to you. We reward members for direct and indirect sales, and allow everyone in the referral chain to receive rewards.
Decrease customer churn and gain a loyal community
Higher rewards lead to more referrals, which lead to increased sales and repeat customers. We notify users of their rewards at key moments, increasing referrals and repeat purchases.
Build a more recognizable brand than your competitors
Your customers value what influencers have to say. Get ahead of the competition by being the brand influencers love to promote.
Product Highlights
5-minute setup: rBux integrates seamlessly with your Shopify store.
Fully automated solution: Set reward percentages for all products in one easy step.
Tracking & payment: We distribute rewards to influencers, and send you an invoice for sales we’ve driven once a month.
Full-featured dashboard: See your influencers and loyal customers, and easily manage your rewards program.
Valuable analytics: We collect a breadth of data from referral to purchase, providing you with unprecedented insight into referral and influencer marketing campaigns.
Marketing support: We send automated emails to drive customer engagement, build loyalty, and develop more brand ambassadors.
Here for you: Contact us on the web, live chat, or through support emails.