Recent Product Collections
$7.95/month. 7-day free trial.

关于Recent Product Collections



Create recent product collections that update automatically based on the time window that you specify.
Date Range Collections
Perfect for seasonal items, date range collections organize your products by when they were added.
You can even create collections for future dates and the items created at that time will be automatically added as they're added to your store.
Recent Collections
Create smart collections that contain only the most recent products of a category.
This is great for new arrivals or just-in products. No more manually maintaining collection groups every time you get a new product in.
Smart Collections Extended
Use the filters you currently use to create smart collections, but with a fine-grain control over how many products to show and how long ago they were added.
Automatically Synchronized
Collections are updated to match the rules automatically every day. As new products cycle in and old products cycle out, the collection stays current.



