Sale Spinner: For Each Product
Zortee 出品
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关于Sale Spinner: For Each Product



ANNOUNCEMENT: We'd be happy to do a theme customization for you (for free)! Just ask us.
Are you a retailer…
Using sales & discounts to increase your revenue?
Does it bother you that customers…
Don’t stick around for as long as you’d like
Expect greater and greater discounts
Don’t come back to your site as often as you’d like
Imagine if your customers were...
More Engaged - Often spending 2-3x more time on product pages
Delighted by the Experience - Even if discounts aren’t as high as usual
Buying More - Getting FOMO on the deals they received
Coming Back - Making repeat visits to your site
Product Spinner can help you…
Turn your sale section into a casino-like experience
Provide a fun experience to your customers
Increase engagement by tapping into your customers’ sub-conscious biases. For example:
Anchoring Effect: Each product has 5 possible discounts. Customers receiving the largest discount feel like winners & buy often
Endowment Effect: Customers feel ownership over discounts won. Leading to higher conversion rates
Suspense: Curiosity leads users to spin twice (and sign-up). Leading to sign-up rate boost
Easy set-up (plus we can help)
Full control over user experience & margins
Show spinner only on selected ‘Sale’ items
Set customized discounts for each selected product
Choose the frequency with which each discount appears



