Sale Whee
Wensia 出品
From $3.99/month. 14-day free trial.

关于Sale Whee



Manage sales without discount codes!
Choose collections or products
Easily select which products the sale applies to:
Entire store
Specific collections
Specific products
Choose variants (optional)
Limit the sale only to specific variant titles, or exclude some variants.
Set desired pricing
When putting products on sale, choose between:
Discount by percentage
Discount by amount
Fixed sale price
Optionally, round prices to specific decimals, such as .99 or .49.
Plan ahead with automatic scheduling
Set sales to start or end at specific days & times.
Tag management
Add or remove tags to products when sale starts or ends. This enables creating automatic collections for specific tags.
Some examples of how this can be used:
Create a Sale collection to automatically include products with desired tag
Add a Daily Deals collection to your site that includes products on sale
Make your Front-page collection automatically include products on sale
Add a "Deals of the month" menu item, linked to an automatic collection
Exclude sale collections from discount codes you distribute to customers
No discount codes needed
Product prices are updated automatically by the app in Shopify admin. Customers see discounted prices as they browse the store, without requiring any discount code.
No theme changes
We don't add any scripts or code in your theme. Your store loading speed is important!
How it works
App updates product prices in your Shopify admin according to the sales that you create.
When a sale starts: Compare at price is set to original product Price, and product Price is set to the discounted sale value.
When a sale ends: Product Price is set back to Compare at price, and Compare at price is set to blank.
You can have multiple sales active at the same time. If a product is part of multiple sales, only one sale will apply (the one which results in smallest product price).
Entire store sale at 30% Off
T-Shirts collection at 50% Off
will set T-Shirts at 50% Off.
Adding products to collections on sale will put those products on sale too, in a few minutes.
Removing products from collections on sale will turn off sales on those products, in a few minutes.
Manual uninstall
Sales can also be ended manually by editing each product manually in your admin.
The app doesn't install or change anything in your theme.



