From $19.99/month




Send2MobilePlus helps Shopify E-commerce businesses grow their sales through the newest technology in mobile conversational commerce.
Send2MobilePlus allows your customers to interact with your Shopify webstore products right from their mobile messaging application by utilzing SMS/MMS messaging.
What is Send2MobilePlus?
Created by a father and son duo who own a multitude of businesses, Send2MobilePlus was made as a solution to connecting store owners with their customers directly via mobile messaging. Once enabled on any product page, Send2MobilePlus's 4 core features allow your Shopify webstore customers to interact and transact via mobile message.
1. Send2Mobile
With the Send2Mobile (S2M) feature, customers can send products from your E-commerce site directly to their mobile device by clicking the feature's button on any product page and then inputting their mobile number. From there, consumers can complete their purchase, bookmark products, and/or share products they are interested in via social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more.
2. Let Me Know
The Let Me Know (LMK) feature sends a mobile text message to your customers when there is a price drop or a product back in stock. Let Me Know is a powerful solution to allow your customers to interact with your brand on a per product basis and transact via mobile message.
LMK Back in Stock: Customers receive alert messages when a current "out of stock" product is re-supplied. Consumers can simply "buy now" to complete their purchase
LMK Price Down: Customers receive alert messages when a desired product's price drops
3. Make An Offer
The Make an Offer (MAO) with Send2MobilePlus allows Shopify store owners to create an interactive "auction-like" environment for their customers. When MAO is activated on a product page, customers can make real-time offers sent directly to Shopify owners via SMS/MMS. From there, Shopify owners can decide whether to accept the offer, reject the offer or counter the offer with one of their own.
MAO allows a "minimum price" where offers received at or above a set desired price are automatically accepted
4. Abandon Cart SMS
Alert consumers via text message of an Abandoned Cart (AC) and an abandoned product page! Shopify store owners can set intervals in which AC messages are sent
FUN FACT: Abandoned Cart text messages on average have a 95% open rate, while email only has a 20% open rate!
Our Other Robust Features
Send2MobilePlus has over 30 additional features that your Shopify store can use to increase sales conversion rates, boost site traffic and create an unrivaled interactive buying experience for your customers
Check out our application website for more information on our features, pricing and more!



