Share a Refund
Free to install. Additional charges may apply.

关于Share a Refund



How it works
Consider Share a Refund like a spellcheck for your shipping accounts. Any time a package is delivered late, billed twice, overcharged, lost, or damaged Share a Refund sees the mistake and files a refund claim. FedEx, UPS and DHL then review this claim and deliver a refund back to the customer. Once a credit has been delivered, Share a Refund reports on that refund, and collects a service fee based on the amount of the refund. We make it easy for you to save money on shipping!
For carrier agreement negotiations, Share a Refund leverages valuable data and shipment industry proficiency to expertly negotiate UPS, FedEx and DHL contracts for the most successful rates. Share a Refund carrier agreement optimization will either save customers money or guarantee they have the best possible contract. The best part, there's no additional work to you or anyone on your team. Simply signup and watch us bring in the savings.
Why choose Share a Refund:
Completely risk-free service
No changes to your existing operation
Award-winning app
No work is required from you
Clear and easy reporting
Cancel at anytime
Our process
Analyze your invoices from Fedex, DHL and UPS.
Determine which shipments are eligible for refund.
File refund claims on your behalf.
Identify lost and damaged shipments, file claims and manage the entire process
Track the claims delivered back to your shipping accounts.
Report weekly on all activities related to your shipping accounts.
Offer carrier agreement optimization services
How we keep the lights on
Share a Refund introduced carefully crafted pricing-term options to satisfy any company's preferences. Flexible terms make it effortless for any business to use Share a Refund services that extend from shipment auditing to filing lost and damage claims and expertly optimizing carrier agreements. Share a Refund provides the same degree of service for all customers with a hassle-free approach. Refunds and credits secured back to your shipping account by us are tracked and reported on a weekly basis. There are no onboarding costs, monthly service fees or hidden pricing.
About Share a Refund
Share a Refund demolishes high service fees and brings dynamic automation, virtual transparency and astounding efficiency to the shipment auditing space. Performing a comprehensive audit on individual shipments ensures a maximum refund returned to your business.



