


Important: Shlack can only be used with a Slack account.
Your customers will always want faster support.
With Shlack, you can finally give it to them. It's ideal for customer service teams looking to streamline communication and speed up the process of collecting important information for customers.
Need to look up a customer named "Ryan" to see where he lives, or get the current inventory for your "red shirts?"
Perhaps you want a real-time delivery status for Order #1234?
Introducing Shlack
This free app lets you look up products, inventory, customers, and more directly from your Slack channel. Want new order notifications? You can [optionally] enable those too.
You can even query your store for individual or list style results.
In the next update we're adding "two-way" interactions, including:
ability to mark a product "sold out"
ability to capture a charge or refund a customer's payment
integrations with your favorite apps
Coming soon - connect your favorite apps and manage them directly from your Slack team.
This is possible through a cool feature called "slash commands," which let you do things like...
/store increase facebook budget $5
/store refund order 3265




