Shopkeeper Global Content
$9.99/month. 7-day free trial.

关于Shopkeeper Global Content



Shopkeeper Global Content allows you to create your very own content library and then use that content anywhere on your store by adding a simple tag — and then automatically update every instance of it at one time.
Build your global content library
Your content library can include:
* Plain text
* Rich text
* Images and HTML
* Liquid code
* Use and reuse the content anywhere
Your content can be used anywhere on your Shopify store:
Product descriptions
Blog posts
Liquid code
Collection descriptions
Headers and footers
Sections and blocks
To use the content from your library, simply type a single, tiny tag like this: [gcontent tag].
Update once without tedious revisions
Make changes to your global content and it will automatically update everywhere your tag is. Not copy and pasting over and over or wasting time opening pages and making edits one by one.
Tons of uses
Shopkeeper Global Content has tons of uses. The app can be used to create a variety of content and then, if you need to make a change, the app updates the content everywhere on your store.
Create blocks of content that you use frequently such as shipping details, return policies and more — and then reuse them over and over again on multiple product pages.
Add custom social media widgets to multiple products or blog posts.
Create call to action buttons and boxes and embed them on multiple blog posts — then change them easily as needed.
Output disclaimers or special information that applies only to certain products — and update it easily with once click.
Build special offer boxes and include them on select products and blog posts.
Easily include information that changes frequently such as expiration dates, coupon codes, sales rep names and more.
Easy to install
Shopkeeper Global Content requires just a few lines of edits to your Liquid files and free installation is available.



