Similar Product Recommender
$9.99/month. 30-day free trial. Additional charges may apply.

关于Similar Product Recommender



Works only for Fashion products- Garments/Footwear/Bags/Accessories.
The very general recommendations used by all retailers currently, such as, “People who bought this also bought ……..”, makes a lot of sense for product categories like Books, Electronics, Gadgets etc. but not as much for fashion products.
The fashion shopper is unique.
What others bought is not relevant to them. They wish to see an array of products similar to the item they’ve chosen, before making a decision.
It mimics their purchase pattern as in a brick and mortar store.
Similar Product Recommender by Streamoid, acts like a virtual sales assistant and recommends similar products from the store, based on color, pattern and style.
Our Image recognition engine is fine-tuned and works ONLY for fashion products.
With this app you will see up to 5 similar recommendations for the fashion product being viewed.
How Does it work:
Shopper clicks on a product.
Our advanced Fashion Artificial Intelligence platform does a pixel to pixel match with the retailer's product catalogue.
It displays closest matches based on color, pattern and style within milliseconds.
Once installed, the entire process is automated and seamless.
Where the recommendations are displayed:
When a customer visits a product page, our widget will display the similar products under the header - “You may also like”.
The Widget will automatically appear at the bottom of the page after installation.
How is Streamoid similar product recommendation Unique?
Our advanced Artificial intelligence engine has been specifically tuned for fashion images and our international clients and have seen great results on their websites.
Because of RELEVANT recommendations, more shoppers clicked on the recommended products and explored a wider catalog.
This increased customer engagement led to more sales and a significant increase in basket size.
Try the product Free for 30 days and experience the increase in sales.
Simple plug and play Integration:
Similar Product Recommender by Streamoid has just one line of code.
For customers with a large inventory, it will take 12 hours to go live and for smaller inventory, it will take much less.
All this is done automatically and the widget will go live in a few hours.
Post installation, no further action is required.Zero effort, zero maintenance.Analytics:
Streamoid can supply analytics on the performance of the similar products widget.
It can help one keep track of important metrics like impressions, clicks, etc.
Start increasing customer engagement and maximizing conversion today




