Smart Order & Customers Tags
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关于Smart Order & Customers Tags



Why tag an order?
Applying tags to orders can help to filter them based on a particular set of criteria. For example, you might want to filter all orders that have been placed with a specific location so that you can fulfil them quickly, or, you might like to filter and identify orders placed by first-time customers so that a welcome gift can be placed in their order.
Tagging Orders is a vital step in building automation workflows for the processing and fulfilment of orders. Why waste time manually tagging each order when you can create a set of rules to take care of the order tagging?
What rules can I apply using Order Tagger?
Order Tagger automatically tags orders based on a variety of conditions. You simply create a rule and then when an order matches that rule, we tag it. This allows you to group your orders based on tags to streamline your fulfilment process, highlight particular orders and much more.
Why tag a customer?
Applying tags to customers can help to filter them based on a particular set of criteria. For example, you might want to filter wholesale customer etc.
What rules can I apply using customer Tagger?
customer Tagger automatically tags customers based on a variety of conditions. You simply create a rule and then when an order matches that rule or new customer signup, we tag it. This allows you to group your customer based on tags to streamline your customers, highlight particular customers and much more.
Auto tags orders and customers by:
Products (including variants) - checks the order line item.
Collections - checks if a product belongs to the selected collection
Order amount - matches the condition with the order total amount
Number of orders - matches the condition with a number of total orders
Order billing or shipping address (including zip-code, city, country)
Current customer tag - If a customer has a specific tag
Customer email - matches the condition with customer email to see if it contains specific word
Tag by discount code - Tag all the customers who use specific discount codes.
and many more...
It doesn't require any coding or changes to the theme.




