Quick Inventory Counts, Easy Updates.
Scan the barcodes, and when you are done, StockSavvy will give a list of the item quantities to be updated on Shopify. Once you are done reviewing, hit the button, and the quantities will be immediately updated on Shopify! You can do cycle counts to check inventory or receive product in and add to your item quantities.
Manage Inventory For Multiple Locations
Tracking inventory for multiple store locations or warehouses can easily get out of hand. StockSavvy integrates with Shopify's multiple location support (beta), allowing you to update quantities in different locations and also perform transfers between your locations.
Scanned Inventory Worth, Easy Accounting
With the retail prices, you can see the worth of all the items you scanned, and if you put in cost prices, you'll be able to see your profit too. Accounting becomes easier!
Small, Manageable Cycle Counts
The best practice is to minimize or even avoid those yearly or quarterly large, entire inventory counts, as those can get messy and are a big hassle. Instead, scan and count small batches at a time by using tags and vendor filtering, for example, counting one vendor a week and then repeating from the beginning. This keeps your inventory accurate with minimal effort!
Identify Inconsistencies
Often, products might not be entered into the system, or there might be barcode duplicates. By seeing errors as you're scanning you can identify these inconsistencies to keep your product listings accurate. You can also compare the items scanned with your full inventory to see what items you list on Shopify but don't have on hand.
Accurate Record Keeping
With reports generated and saved every time you do a cycle count, you can keep an accurate record.
Compatible with most, if not all, barcode scanners.
Geared toward efficiency, we support dedicated barcode scanners. We actually think all dedicated barcode scanners will work with StockSavvy, but just to cover our bases, we'll just say "most".