Taggify ‑ Autotag Customers
$9.99/month. 7-day free trial.

关于Taggify ‑ Autotag Customers



How it works?
Taggify - Auto Tag Customers works based on the rule you set and tags customers automatically when the criteria is match. For example, if you set a rule to match with number of orders, it checks how many total orders a customer has placed till date and if the criteria is met, it applies the given tag to the customer.
Need of Auto tagging
Auto tagging helps save your time by automating the process of managing customer so you can concentrate on other useful perspective of your business. Using auto tag, you can easily create a group of customers to offer customer specific pricing or limit access to your store inside Shopify or segment marketing activities outside of Shopify.
It auto tags customers by
Products (including variants) - checks the order line item.
Collections - checks if a product belongs to the selected collection
Order amount - matches the condition with the order total amount
Number of orders - matches the condition with number of total orders
Order billing or shipping address (including zipcode, city, country)
Current customer tag - If customer has a specific tag
Customer email - matches the condition with customer email to see if it contains specific word
Tag by discount code - Tag all the customers who use specific discount codes.
New customer account creation - Automatically tag a customer when they open an account on your store. This can be used to reward customers with a discount code for signing up. You can assign a discount code to a group of customers tagged with something specific.
and many more...
It doesn't require any coding or changes to the theme and starts working immediately once you set up a rule.




