Tired of customer queries about unknown order status?
Automatically notify customers about the order status and allow them to check it themselves with a dedicated ‘Track Your Order’ page on your store.
Increase customer satisfaction while saving time and money on customer service.
Customizable Tracking page - choose colors and fonts to match your website design style.
Translation - you can translate all app messages into your own language
Dropshipping? You’ll be able to hide the country of origin for the products you sell
Improve SEO - tracking happens in your store instead of the carrier’s site
Easy&secure user experience - Allow customers to track shipments by order number and email, or tracking number
Supports 500+ carriers - real-time package lookup for Worldwide carriers (including Chinese): Aliexpress, China Post (ePacket), China EMS, UPS, FedEx, DHL, USPS, Cainiao and more.
Notifications - Tell your customers where the order is and when it arrives via email or text notifications before they ask.
Responsive design - will ensure a seamless experience to your users when using different screen size devices.
On-demand mode - an economical mode that saves you money by using credits only for orders that your customers searched for on the tracking page
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