User Photos
From $4/month. 7-day free trial.

关于User Photos



User can uploaded photos on every product page
The more detail and content you have on each product the more likely a customer will purchase, as they have the information they need to commit.
But its hard to find the time to get multiple photos of each product at different angles and your images do not give the customer the feel of what the product really looks like on them.
Our app lets a user upload an image of them wearing or using your product, this is done on the product page, so every product has its down "User Photo Gallery".
Users can upload JPG and PNG images of any size. We resize them to fixed sizes for thumbnail and large (you can choose these in the admin)
Admin area where you can moderate images
Full control of CSS in admin, so you can change the look and feel of the gallery on your product page
Automatic email to user once image approved, edit the text of this email so you could include a voucher code for example as a reward
Change all the titles/text in the gallery in the admin area easily




